Bahagian Penguatkuasaan Jabatan Agama Islam Selangor (JAIS) dan sepasukan anggota Polis Diraja Malaysia (PDRM) telah membuat pemeriksaan ke atas sebuah gereja di Damansara Utama berdasarkan hasil maklumat yang diterima. Maklumat tersebut menyatakan terdapatnya kehadiran orang Islam di dalam majlis berbuka puasa yang diadakan di gereja tersebut.
Anggota Penguatkuasaan JAIS bersama anggota polis telah menjalankan pemeriksaan di premis terbabit walaupun dihalang oleh pihak penganjur. Penganjur utama yang dipercayai beragama Islam telah berunding selama hampir 1 jam bersama ketua operasi agar pemeriksaan ke atas tempat dan individu tidak dilakukan sehingga majlis tersebut selesai.
Di dalam majlis tersebut juga, kelihatan seseorang sedang mengadakan pengucapan awam, di mana ucapannya ada diselitkan dengan perkataan Quran dan ‘pray’.
Setelah majlis hampir tamat, pasukan penguatkuasa dan anggota polis telah membuat pemeriksaan meskipun terdapat cubaan menghalang pemeriksaan dan melupuskan bahan bukti.
Pegawai penguatkuasa JAIS dan polis mendapati ada percubaan dikalangan peserta untuk melarikan diri melalui pintu belakang premis tetapi berjaya dihalang oleh penguatkuasa JAIS.
Terdapat seramai 12 orang yang beragama Islam telah menghadiri majlis tersebut. Tiada serbuan dan tiada tangkapan dibuat. Sebaliknya pemeriksaan dilakukan hanya selepas rundingan dengan pihak penganjur diadakan. Mereka telah diarah untuk menghadirkan diri di Bahagian Penguatkuasaan JAIS untuk siasatan lanjut.
Berpandukan kepada siasatan awal mereka yang terlibat boleh didakwa dibawah Seksyen 10 Enakmen Jenayah Syariah 1995. Selain daripada itu terdapat bukti-bukti kegiatan penyebaran agama bukan Islam terhadap penganut agama Islam.
Siasatan lanjut bagi kedua-dua kesalahan ini akan diteruskan.
Sementara itu, petikan tulisan Bigdog sini memberi sudut dan butiran maklumat tambahan:
JAIS have had observe this particular church and other churches on activities ‘befriending’ Muslims. These churches were said to be very generous in providing a lot for the unfortunates which include Muslim single mothers and those who are in dire financial status. And the conveniently but continuously organise social events and these Muslims are invited and treated well.
In the case of DUMC, the venue of the event was kept ‘hush-hush’ until a few hours before its started. It was organised in a suspicious manner where the attendees wore Muslim friendly attire like Baju Kurung for a social meet at a church. Even though it was said to be ‘Buka Puasa’ event, it was said that the itinerary started with songs and dances at 7:15pm.
JAIS Officers arrived and entered the church at 945pm. They had a report about an event as part of a process to proselytise Malay Muslims. When they tried to enter into the church main hall and do their investigation, they were stopped by a woman by the name of Sofia. They negotiated to enter and that took at hour. It was said during that time, one of the JAIS Officers heard in one of the lecture was about a Muslim and was talking about the beauty of Christianity, which was thought to be very peculiar.
The JAIS Officers maintained that they need not a warrant to do an investigation and enter a premise, as per provisions made in the Syariah Criminal Enactment of the State Constitution.
By the time the managed to enter the main hall, the found some of the evidence like literature were destroyed and they were stopped from going through the rubbish. A pocket-size digital device which has a recording of bible both in English and Malay was also said to be discovered. After questioning the audience, twelve of them were found to be Muslims and their particulars taken.
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